Trust me when you hear me say that, I know the frustration you're feeling today. You're an amazing Lash Artist, you're passionate, professional and all you wanna do is share this with your clients.
But with little to no clients...it's easy to become frustrated, defeated and fall into the vicious cycle of constantly discounting, or begging for people to book with you.

"It's not that you don't have the lash skill...it's your invisibility that is keeping you hidden"

Take Heart Beautiful! I'm going to show you:
*How to utilize the top 3 platforms to create fully booked visibility for your lash extension business
* 13 keys to online client attraction
* 4 Important guidelines to smartly use social media without spending all day on it
* The crucial strategy for building trust with your local community by informing, educating and building authority to end the appointment begging cycle.
I also created a tutorial to show you how to use a Game Changing Software that will help you discover 'hidden' yet high traffic search phrases that you can start using and showing up in search results for. This is VISIBILITY GOLD for you and your lash extensions business! And the software is FREE to use!
I created the Beautifully Booked Video, Tutorial and Bonus Guide specifically for you if what you need most is action-focused ways to attract new clients to your lash business.

Yes! I need more Lash Clients! Give Me...
*You need more clients for your lash extension business
*You're caught in the cycle of "begging for appointments" or constantly running deals to bring clients to you
*You're frustrated with social media because it feels like a waste of time?
*You don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on advertising or pricey facebook ads or boosting?
*You're new to the lash extension industry and you wanna learn how to attract clients to you before the begging begins.
Do Any of These Describe Your Lash Situation?
Visibility brings success when you are
seen more often than your competition.
Q:Will these strategies take hours to learn?
A:Nope! I've designed these new series of videos, tutorials and guides to be easy to digest and easy to begin doing in your lash business.
Q: I don't have a huge budget...can I still do this?
A: Absolutely! The 'budget' to do what I share is time..and hustle. It might get uncomfortable...but you can push through that!
Q: I don't have a website, should I buy this?
A: Probably not. If you're still working on a website or don't have one at all, you should consider my Wix Website Course instead.
You & I...we're a lot a like!
You might be thinking...ok Rickina this sounds great but I'm not a techy gal. I do beauty...not software and web stuff. I hear ya! I know not everyone doing lashes can do the web stuff too. That's why when I create a video, it's not just power points or reading.
I create interactive videos where you can see what I'm doing on my computer screen, so you can pause and go back as many times as you need to. You can take notes along the way and apply it to your situation.
I know when you were trained to do lashes, you may not have even thought about what would be necessary to attract lash clients, and keep them coming in order to make your lash business a success.
But I've been where you are. I've been at 1 client, with room rent due in 3 weeks. I've been broker than broke with a crisp certificate of completion in my hand...and no clients to speak of. And I also know that if you're here you're also like me in that you're ready to do SOMETHING about it!
You're ready to hunker down and get serious about attracting clients, not begging for them. You're ready to start claiming your first page position in search results. You're ready to start seeing your calendar booking out weeks in advance...and you're ready to finally see your hard work pay off!
Your Lash Business can be exactly what you want it to be! If you only want a side hustle...than it will be a side hustle. Or if you want it to be your primary source of income...it can be that too!
BUT....Here's Where You Get an Advantage!
When I was a fresh lash stylist...I didn't have anyone who was willing to show me exactly how they saw success in their lash business.
Heck, I couldn't even really find anyone willing to respond to my endless bag-o-lash compliments and praises. People were so worried about giving 'secrets' away and someone stealing their clients, that they wouldn't even acknowledge me.
So I set out to turn what I saw upside down and share my struggles, share my fails and most importantly share my Wins! I figured if I'm going through it someone else probably is too.
In January of 2015 I launched my Instagram page, with that intent. To grow my lash business, learn as much as I could from anyone I could, and help anyone else willing to come along the way!
Fast forward to now! My lash business and Lash CEO business has exploded with growth! And in just over 14 months I've grown from $2k a month to close to $10k and growing!
Your lash business can be exactly what you need it to be! When you know what your success looks like, and have your goals mapped out...You're Half Way There!
What I share in the Beautifully Booked Video, Tutorial and Bonus Guide is your beginning to start finally attracting lash clients, and understanding HOW it's done. Because once you start to Understand...you can replicate it, and see YOUR Lash Business Grow!
So..How Much?
Included in
Beautifully Booked:
An over my shoulder 60 minute video with explanation slides and strategies to increase your visibility and attract more lash clients for your lash business
What platforms work best for visibility and client attraction without spending hours and hours doing it a day
13 keys you can easily implement to begin attracting clients
The best way to gain trust, authority and educate local clients for increased attraction and business growth
A tutorial on how to use the free software that allows you to find high volume (meaning lots of monthly Google queries)search terms local clients are looking for...so you can target those queries and begin showing up in results!