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Um...So Yeah...It All

Began with a Bunion

That sentence up a couple of things...The honest truth...and quite embarrasing. But look...I'm gonna be real with you. You can count on that while here on this Lash Business journey together. 


My story was a depressing...and sad one. I had been out of the Navy for close to 12 years...bouncing around from failed business attempts and traditional 9-5's to help financially where I could. I was a mess...depressed wondering...what the flip is this life? I was happily married, had 2 beautiful boys and was living in a gorgeous resort city. But
























































We found out I was pregnant with my sweet lil Ava...I was in a panic. Excited...Nervous...and what? Well I kept lashing...moved into my current location...and began plotting my 'return'. I lashed up until I was due in February of 2014. My comback consisted of Groupons, Living Socials and focusing on wooing my new clients to keep giving me a shot with their lashes. I at this point still wasn't too good. But I made up for it in customer service and value. 


By December of 2014 I had bought a brand new 2014 Camaro, and prayed I could afford it...I stepped out on faith and asked God to bless my business. I Turned off my 'deals' and said 2015 was gonna be the year I was gonna push past my comfort zone...gain traction and explode my business! It became the first year








And here we are! At last check I had already surpassed my income from 2015... by July of 2016! It's been such a huge blessing to my self esteem, my family and just everyting that I'm a part of. I'm able to bless my church missions, give more, help more...and it's been Amazing!  


But it's not enough unless I can help you too! I hope that you can find even just a nugget or 2 here that can help You too grow the Lash Business of your dreams!





I was on fire to do lashes....UNTIL....

I finally exceeded my corporate job income! 

I took the full 12 weeks FMLA leave and enjoyed a beautifully amazing summer. My surgery was in May...and went great. I had the whole summer off and was so so happy. Then my life would shift and God finally pushed me toward my calling...FINALLY!!! 


During my FMLA leave, the Veterans Administration launched a program to help unemployed veterans re-train in a new growing career. To qualify you had to be a veteran...check....over 35....check....and yet? So you guessed it. I put in my 2 weeks notice while on FMLA leave so that I could qualify for this amazing program..and Esthetics was one of the career choices. 


That was 2012, by April of 2013 I was a Licensed Esthetician and had a new zeal for my career. But things didn't really heat up till a friend offered to purchase lash extension supplies if I would practice and learn how to do them on her...and I didn't turn her down. Once I realized I actually really enjoyed doing lashes I got trained by 2 different training methods and

It wasn't until while working at my very last 'corporate' job fixing and networking office copiers, computers and printers that I had a light bulb moment. In the midst of hating my job...I would still find that on occasions I would be...gasp...HAPPY.  I had to dig and figure and why? 


Until I got it! I was happy because I was serving others...they were happy to see me, and happy that I'd helped them be productive with their day again. And this in turn made me happy. 


So on to the bunion. After suffering for quite some time with foot issues, it all just began to be just too painful. And my copier job was just aggravating the situation, the bending, walking, crouching... it was time to fix it. So I had surgery to have it removed.

You're worth it...and your Dreams are worth it! 

© 2023 by Lash Business

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